Interactive Map

Use our interactive map to plan your perfect trip in Costa Rica!

How to use our map

1. Use the filters to filter the many destinations. Each filter describes an aspect of a destination. Some examples of filters include “adventure”, “popular”, and “off the beaten path”.

2. You can click several filters at the same time, resulting in the map showing the destinations that are described by all of the filters you selected.

3. Once you pick the filters that better describe the destinations you are looking for you can click on each marker to view a snippet on each destination. Then you can click the “read more” link to open the page for that specific destination and read a more complete description.

Example: I am a backpacker traveling alone looking for destinations that are easily accessible but also less popular to get a more local and off the beaten path feel on my trip. I would then pick the “accessibility” and “off the beaten path” filters on the filter menu to get the best destinations for my requirements.